Current para-ecologist programmes

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Current research projects with paraecologists

Overview of programmes, initiatives and organisations that are currently involving para-ecologists.

This website started in March 2012. The amount of information is still limited. Content will be added regularly from now on.

Kakamega Environmental Education Program (KEEP)

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KEEP is a grass-roots organization, working to save one of the last remaining rainforests in Kenya, through environmental
education and creation of awareness among local communities, and development and / or implementation of economic
alternatives to the exploitation of forest resources.

The New Guinea Binatang Research Center   

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The New Guinea Binatang Research Center is a non-profit Papua New Guinean organisation devoted to
- training Papua New Guineans in biology on all levels, from field technicians through paraecologists to postgraduate students
- advancing biodiversity research in Papua New Guinea
- developing educational and nature conservation programmes, targeting grassroots audiences.

The Future Okavango

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The Okavango basin in southern Africa with its variety of savannah woodlands and wetland ecosystems linked by the central lifeline
of the Okavango River is a global hot-spot of accelerating change and land use conflicts. The river has its source in the rainy highlands
of Angola and terminates in the Okavango Delta, the world's largest inland delta and the largest freshwater swamp south of the equator.
The Future Okavango project analyses ecosystem functions and services within this trans-boundary basin of high international visibility
and high potential transferability of results to other tropical and sub-tropical regions.

The Future Okavango project employs and trains three para-ecologists, based in Angola, Botswana and Namibia, respectively.
The para-ecologist post in Angola (at the site Chitembo) has not been filled yet.
